Before the primary, we’ll be featuring information about the candidates running for our Executive Committee. We’ve listed the names of all candidates and information about the candidates who responded to our questionnaire.

Fred Foster

Quincy Hall
Tell us about yourself and your experience with the Tuscaloosa Co. Democratic Party. I have the esteemed pleasure of serving as Coordinator of Honors Year One/Involvement and as an Instructor in the Honors College at The University of Alabama. In addition to this work, I am also the Organist at St. Matthias Episcopal Church and also a collaborative pianist for ensembles throughout the area. I am a proud two-time graduate of The University of Montevallo where I joined my beloved fraternity, Lambda Chi Alpha, and earned both a Bachelor of Science in Sociology and a Master of Education in Counseling degree. Outside of my professional work, I enjoy an active life making music, traveling the world, and being active in my home parish of Canterbury Episcopal Chapel of Tuscaloosa. While I do not have extensive experience with the Tuscaloosa County Democratic Party specifically, I have been a strong and vocal advocate for the “least of these” and the “us’s” among us; a lesson that I learned as a kiddo from my late “PawPaw” when visiting the sick and offering Holy Communion. It is the guiding theme of my life and my work.

What is your vision for the TCDP Executive Committee? What do you hope to work on as a committee member? As a committee member, my hope is to be a voice of reason and a voice of progressive pragmatism as we seek ways to engage our neighbors and to ensure that our diverse community have a seat at the table. My goal is to do a lot of listening only in turn to do a lot of “do-ing” on behalf of our community.

What talents do you have to bring to our volunteer efforts? Communication, Interpersonal Skills… also a pianist! Could volunteer cocktail music for events if needed. 🙂 I thrive in spaces where I can work collaboratively with others who are willing and able to meet others where they are, put differences aside, and think of the “whole”.

Dexter Lowery

Madison Parks

Larry Tucker
Tell us about yourself and your experience with the Tuscaloosa Co. Democratic Party. I have been a long time member of the TCDP and have worked for it in a variety of ways (See my answer to the talents question. Question # 3).

What is your vision for the TCDP Executive Committee? What do you hope to work on as a committee member? I want to see a strong, inclusive and influential party working to accomplish democratic values.

What talents do you have to bring to our volunteer efforts? In the past I have worked to help the TCDP in a variety of ways, such as going door to door to get out the vote, encouraging and helping people register to vote, manning tables at many TCDP “tabling” events, setting up for many TCDP events, and working for TCDP fundraising. I am committed to helping TCDP in the future in an way possible!



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